Anna Cowley Ford
Anna Cowley Ford
The Pain Away Clinic (2018-2019)
Suet Head Goes to the Pasture (2022)
Hamburger Head (2021)
Bread Head (2021)
Bread Head Goes to the Greenspace (2021)
Commodify Me (2022)
Busts (2012-2022)
Bust Planters
Bust Vessels
Healthcare Aesthetic, 2022 (2021)
Medical Self Portraits, 2017 (2021)
Coccyx Cushion (2022)
Re/cliner (2021)
[this is meaningful to me know]: Please take one if you would like to. Perfect for refrigerators, altars, and strangers! (2021)
The Wanderer (2021)
Endometriosis (2021)
Grinding (2021)
Crushing (2020)
Tree of Death (2020)
Self Portrait (2020)
Fatigue Reclining (2020)
Triggeres: Prodrome, Migraine, Postdrome: Time To Go [insert obligation] (2020)
Fatigue (2020)
Prodrin Side Effects / Rebound Headache Cycle (2018)
2008-2018 (2018)
Dilemma: A Decade of Chronic Pain VIDEO (2018)
Weekly Calendar/Journal (2017)
Chronic Pain Pathway (2017)
Chronic Pain Fortune Machine (2016)
Triggers/Aftermath (2015)
Cylinder Trees
Cylinder Tree, Carbon, Texas
Cylinder Tree, The Eastland Hotel, Texas
Cylinder Tree, Dallas, Texas
Cylinder Trees, Texas
Cylinder Trees, Iowa
Medication as Drinking Vessels (2015)
Migraine Pathway (2012)
One Week's Medication
October 27, 2010
November 2008
Momentary Certainties, Eagan Art House
2022 Master of Fine Arts Thesis Exhibition
Under Skin: Ceramic Studies of Chronic Migraine, Grinnell Area Arts Council
West End Collectif Art Show, Art Terrarium
Pain Away Clinic, OL Guild
Dilemma: A Decade Of Chronic Pain, Love Oak Pharmacy
The Dragon That Never Sleeps: Living With Chronic Migraines, The Small Gallery, Dallas
The Dragon That Never Sleeps: Living With Chronic Migraines, Fort Worth Community Arts Center
January 27-28, 2011
Functional Ware
Plates and Platters, 2022
Yunomis, 2017
Mugs, 2017
Bowls, 2017
McMichael Commission, 2014
Ghadiri Commission, 2014
Base of Skull Tension
Handbuilt, mid-range paper clay, glass